When to visit
When to Visit Good Night Pediatrics

When to Visit Good Night Pediatrics

If you suspect poisoning or have any questions regarding poisonous substances, call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.

When To Visit a Hospital

Infants less than 3 months old with a fever

Infants less than 3 months old can be at risk for serious infections. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that any infant less than 3 months old with a fever higher than 100.4 be evaluated and treated at a hospital.


Seizures can happen for a number of reasons, including a bad fever. However, the onset of a seizure may indicate your child needs the additional resources offered in a hospital setting.

Severe bleeding
Severe fractures / broken bones

If your child has a fracture that is protruding from the skin (compound fracture), please take them to the nearest hospital to be treated.

Severe burns
Head trauma with loss of consciousness

Head injuries with loss of consciousness need to be treated at a hospital.

Motor vehicle accident

Any victim of a motor vehicle accident should be evaluated at a hospital.

When To See Your Regular Doctor

Chronic medical conditions

Good Night Pediatrics strongly believes that every child should have a "medical home." The core of the medical home is your primary care pediatrician and we strongly urge you to help ensure consistency in the management of any chronic conditions by working with your pediatrician. Should an acute complication arise after hours, we are here to help.

Routine Prescription refills

See your child's regular pediatrician for prescription refills. Our prescription refill policy is strict and reserved for rare cases in which our providers deem a refill absolutely necessary.

Replacement of medical equipment such as a nebulizer

See your child's regular pediatrician for medical equipment.

Routine immunizations

See your child's regular pediatrician for routine immunizations.